Parameter and main relations |
Model / Method Process condition |
Plasma resistivity The plasma resistivity is the normalized plasma bulk resistance RB (ohmic part of the plasma bulk resistance) is:
with: ne: electron
density Very good correlation to deposition rate ! |
Hercules N NEED high pressure |
Effective,Electron collision rate
The collision rate of electrons ne (please see Figure 2.4) depends on: - Power
and pressure (recipe)
The electron collision rate is sensitve to many influences.
Hercules C SEERS low pressue |
density, spatially avaraged For magnetically enhanced plasmas, the scaling law of electron density is given by
Please see M. A. Lieberman, A.J. Lichtenberg, Principles of plasma discharges and materials processing, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005.
Note: The plasma
parameters electron density and electron collision
Hercules C SEERS low pressure |
Asymmetry The asymmetry of the plasma discharge is defined as the ratio of sheath voltage at the chamber wall to the sheath voltage at the wafer. Equivalent to DC Bias, not any longer available due to usage of ESC. A change of asymmetry means always moving charge carriers inside the chamber | Hercules C SEERS low pressure |
SheathHeating of electrons is the net energy gain of electron per RF cycle through maximum energy of electrons. Heating or cooling (net gain or loss) of all electrons during one RF cycle in plasma body, close to boundary sheath, given by the energy flux density, defined as: Extraction of the electron heating in the sheath by a plasma physical model. Averaging in time provides the so called SheathHeating. |
Hercules C SEERS low pressure |
Resonance Frequency is the serial resonance of - plasma bulk 'inductance' depending on collision rate and density Therefore an important peculiarity of PECVD chambers is involved in the combined plasma and chamber model. The resonance frequency varies usually only in case of equipment faults and of heavy process changes. | Hercules N NEED high pressure |