Chamber Matching of ICP etch chambers using RF equipment model

  • Simple approach: Measurement at operating frequency:
    • Fast and easy → first results immediately available
    • Limited accuracy, some parameters are not measurable this way.
  • Advanced approach: Impedance spectroscopy:
    • Characterization of RF components by using broad a frequency range
    • Advantage of outstanding accuracy.
  • Impedance spectroscopy enables the usage of RF equipment models.
Setup for RF peak voltage measurement

  After corrective actions

  • After the corrective actions have been implemented, the STI etch rates harmonized significantly. This effect is clearly visible in the endpoint charts and process etch time charts.
Equivalent Ciruit of Plasma Tool

R. Wagner, M. Klick, Chamber Matching of ICP etch chambers using RF equipment model

12th European Advanced Proccess Control and Manufacturing Conference, Minatec, Grenoble, France, April 16-18, 2012