This course provides knowledge of RF principles and the ability to plasma processes.


Location: Courses at the Customer Site 

  • 10 - 20 participants
  • Courses on demand
  • Technician and engineer courses

Please contact us


Location: Courses in Berlin

Next date for RF course - see Event Calendar




  • Radio Frequency for Plasma Applications: 12 hours

The course includes:

Radio Frequency Technology


Examples of Contents:

1. AC Theory

  • Basic electric values
  • Ohmic resistance
  • Imaginary unit
  • Impedance, inductance, and capacitance
  • Fundamental laws
  • Voltage driver
  • Low and high pass
  • RF power transmission

2. Coaxial Cable Theory

  • Ideal cables
  • Termination
  • Real cables, examples, key parameters
  • Signal delaySkin effect

3. RF - Contacts and Connectors

  • Contact resistance
  • Connector geometries
  • Common adapters and plugs

4. Matching Principles and Types

  • Maximum power into load - DC, RF
  • Impedance matching
  • Matching types
  • Real matchboxes and loads
  • Resonance, LC Oscillation circuit
  • Practical matching equations
  • Fixed matching
  • Examples
  • VHF Matching

5. Real Complete System

  • Equivalent circuit of the RF plasma
  • E-Chuck and equipment  circuit
  • Power transmission and losses

6. RF Metrology

  • Accuracy of measurement
  • Voltage and current
  • Directional coupler
  • VI-probe

7. Additional Power Coupling Methods

  • Inductive coupling
  • Generation of RF-oscillations
  • Electro-magnetic waves
  • Microwaves, ECR

8. Waves and Reflections

  • Wave propagation 
  • Reflection
  • Standing waves
  • Grounding, shielding, EMC

Skin effect



  • Capacitors of high RF power
  • Wave propagation in cables
  • Damping and RF power loss in cables
  • Cables and connectors for plasma equipments
  • High voltage RF probes
  • RF current probes