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Comprehensive understanding of chamber conditioning effects on plasma characteristics in an advanced capacitively coupled plasma etcher
Kye Hyun Baek, Eunwoo Lee (Semiconductor R&D Center, Samsung Electronics)

Michael Klick and Ralf Rothe (Plasmetrex GmbH)
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 35, 021304 (2017); doi: 10.1116/1.4968206


Temporal structure of electron heating in asymmetric single-frequency and dual-frequency capacitive discharges
D. Ziegler, T. Mussenbrock, R. P. Brinkmann – Ruhr University Bochum,
Physics of Plasmas 16, 023503 (2009).

The gain and loss of energy by electrons in the RF-CCP sheath
Brian Georg Heil, Ralf Peter Brinkmann, Uwe Czarnetzki – Richardt Patents & Trademarks, Ruhr University Bochum
J. Phys. D:Appl. Phys. 42(2009) 085205.

The electrical asymmetry effect i capacitively coupled radio frequency discharges - measurements of dc self bias, ion energy and ion flux
J. Schulze, E. Schüngel, U. Czarnetzki – Ruhr University Bochum
J. Phys. D:Appl. Phys. 42(2009) 092005.


A reduced model for etch rate prediction based on plasma parameters
Michael Klick, Ralf Rothe, Lutz Eichhorn, Plasmetrex GmbH
AVS 55th International Symposium & Exhibition Boston, MA, October, 2008.

Skin effect in a small symmetrically driven capacitive discharge
Thomas Mussenbrock, Torben Hemke, Dennis Ziegler, Ralf Peter Brinkmann, Michael Klick – Ruhr University Bochum, Plasmetrex GmbH,
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 17 (2008) 025018.

Nonlinear dynamics of dual frequency capacitive discharges: A global model matched to an experiment
Dennis Ziegler, Thomas Mussenbrock, Ralf Peter Brinkmann – Ruhr University Bochum,
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 17 (2008) 045011.

Enhanced of ohmic and stochastic heating by resonance effects in capacitive radio frequency discharges: A theoretical approach
T. Mussenbrock, R. P. Brinkmann, M. A. Lieberman, A.J. Lichtenberg, E. Kamamura – Ruhr University Bochum, University of California,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 085004(2008).

Stochastic heating in asymmetric capacitively coupled RF discharges
J. Schulze, B. G. Heil, D. Luggenhölscher, R. P. Brinkmann, U. Czarnetzki – Ruhr University Bochum
J. Phys. D:Appl. Phys. 41(2008) 195212.


On the skin effect in symmetrically driven rf discharges
T. Mussenbrock, T. Hemke, D. Ziegler, R. P. Brinkmann, M. Klick – Ruhr University Bochum, Plasmetrex GmbH
28th ICPIG, 2007, Prague, Czech Republic

Nonlinear plamar dynamics in capacitive radio frequency discharges
T. Mussenbrock, R. P. Brinkmann – Ruhr University Bochum
Plasma Sources Sci. Technolog. 16(2007), 377

Response to "Comment on 'A nonlinear global model of a dual frequency capacitive discharge'"
T. Mussenbrock, D. Ziegler, R. P. Brinkmann – Ruhr University Bochum
Phys. Plasmas 14(2007), 014702

Nonlinear high frequency behavior of dual frequency capacitive discharges
D. Ziegler, E. Semmler, T. Mussenbrock, R.P. Brinkmann, P. Awakowicz, A. von Keudell, – Ruhr University Bochum
Appl. Phys. Lett. 17 045011(2008)


Nonlinear electron resonance heating in capacitive radio frequency discharges
T. Mussenbrock and R. P. Brinkmann – Ruhr University Bochum
Appl. Phys. Lett. 88(2006), 151503 

A nonlinear global model of a dual frequency capacitive discharge
T. Mussenbrock, D. Ziegler, R.P. Brinkmann – Ruhr University Bochum
Phys. Plasmas 13(2006), 083501 

Self-excitation of the plasma series resonance in radio-frequency discharges: An analytical description
U. Czarnetzki, T. Mussenbrock, R.P. Brinkmann – Ruhr University Bochum
Phys. Plasmas 13(2006), 123503 

Microscopic approach to an equation for the heat flow between wafer and E-chuck
M. Klick, M. Bernt – Plasmetrex GmbH
J.VAC.SCI.TECHNOL.B24(2006)6, 2509

Please contact us via mail in case of interest.


Electron heating in capacitively coupled discharges and reactive gases
G. Franz, et al. – Munich University of Applied Sciences

Please contact us via mail in case of interest.


Plasma monitoring under industrial conditions for semiconductor technologies
M. Klick, ASI GmbH
Invited talk at AVS 50th International Symposium, 2003, Baltimore, USA


An improved model of the SEERS diagnostic method
R. P. Brinkmann, Ruhr University Bochum
Plasma Science, 2000. ICOPS. IEEE Conference Record, 27th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science


Influence of Excitation Frequency on Plasma Parameters and Etching Characteristics of RF Discharges
M. Klick – ASI GmbH, et al.
Surface and Coatings Technology 116–119 (1999), 468-471


Innovative Plasma Diagnostics and Control of Process in Reactive Low-Temperature Plasmas
M. Klick – Adolf-Slaby-Institut GmbH, et al.
Surface and Coatings Technology 98 (1998), 1395-1399


Plasma Diagnostics in RF Discharges Using Nonlinear and Resonance Effects
M. Klick – Adolf-Slaby-Institut GmbH, et al.
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 36, Part I (1997)7B, 4625-4631


Nonlinearity of the Radio-Frequency Sheath
M. Klick – Adolf-Slaby-Institut GmbH
J.Appl. Phys. 79(1996)7, 3445-3452

Please contact us via mail in case of interest. 


RF Plasma Monitoring using Self Excited Electron Resonance Spectroscopy
M. Klick, et al. – Adolf-Slaby-Institut GmbH
12th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, 1995, Minnesota, USA

Please contact us via mail in case of interest. 


Resistive Model of the RF Discharge including additional DC Currents and Electrodes
M. Klick – Adolf-Slaby-Institut GmbH
Phys. Review E 47(1993)1, 591-603

Please contact us via mail in case of interest.